English press release from ABSyM : Refusal to treat a Jewish patient

5 augustus 2014

The Belgian press has recently reported on the refusal of a Belgian doctor to treat a patient under the pretext that she was Jewish. This refusal was accompanied by inappropriate remarks concerning the current fighting between Israel and Palestine.

The Belgian press has recently reported on the refusal of a Belgian doctor to treat a patient under the pretext that she was Jewish. This refusal was accompanied by inappropriate remarks concerning the current fighting between Israel and Palestine.


Of course, everyone is entitled to their opinion with regard to this conflict but this cannot be the basis for refusing to treat a patient, whatever the person's point of view (this principle has been upheld by doctors since Henri Dunant).  This refusal, if true (we are only aware of it from the press), is a deontological and ethical failure made all the more serious as it was directed at a person whose only link to the conflict is her belonging to a particular community. The refusal would therefore be racist in nature and incompatible with the World Medical Association declaration on the rights of patients (see attached).


The ABSyM [Belgian Association of Medical Unions] strongly condemns such an attitude and offers its apologies to the Jewish community if such an incident has occurred. However, the ABSyM is an association founded to protect professional interests. Every doctor is at liberty to be a member or choose not to be. The association has no power of investigation or sanctions. The responsibility for investigating and sanctioning such matters rests with the [Belgian] Medical Association for which membership is mandatory. The ABSyM will therefore be in contact with the Provincial Medical Association to which the doctor in question is answerable so that the Association can take the necessary sanctions.


However, the ABSyM would like to add that the attitude of this doctor (if what the press has said is true) is a personal attitude which does not represent the entire Belgian medical establishment, which places a great deal of importance on medical ethics.  The ABSyM would also highlight that patients have free choice over the doctor that treats them and can change doctors without any obligation, neither financial nor administrative, and that patients are entitled to receive appropriate care without difficulty. This does not detract in any way the offence or humiliation that the patient was caused to suffer in this situation. Moreover, the ABSyM subscribes to the recent press release by the World Medical Association with regard to the conflict in Gaza:



Dr Roland Lemye

President of the ABSyM


For further information on this press release, please contact:

David Desmet, ABSyM Communications Manager, assistant to the President

david.desmet@absym-bvas.be, +32 491 233 000


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