Luxembourg Institute of Health/PhD Student positions

27 juillet 2020

Med. Doctors-PhD & 16 PhD Student positions in Systems, Neuro & Cancer Immunology



Luxembourg is a dynamic multicultural country in the heart of Europe with a strong biomedical research environment and high international visibility.


Within Luxembourg, excellent and innovative biomedical research is carried out at the Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH) and the University of Luxembourg (UL) in a highly interdisciplinary team effort with clinical partners such as the Laboratoire national de santé (LNS) and the Centre Hospitalier de Luxembourg (CHL). Together, the institutions offer cutting-edge research facilities and an excellent training environment for early-stage researchers and medical doctors in training in the area of Life Sciences and Medicine with focus on translational research and precision medicine.


I2TRON  is a highly innovative PhD training program on “integrating immune strategies for Translational Research in Oncology and Neurology” and is supported by the Luxembourg National Research Fund (FNR) within their PRIDE program. We will develop the next generation of translational scientists as boundary crossers, domain experts and skilled communicators.


Click HERE to have a look at the ITRON program for students.




À propos de l'ABSYM

Nous défendons une médecine libre avec un modèle de rémunération à l'acte, complétée par des forfaits.
Par exemple, en médecine générale, nous défendons toutes les formes de pratique et pas seulement les pratiques de groupe multidisciplinaires comme nos concurrents.

Le médecin généraliste solo doit pouvoir garder sa place.

En ce qui concerne les spécialistes, nous défendons tous les spécialistes y compris ceux qui exercent en dehors de l'hôpital.