Camp Liberty in the Republic of Iraq
To the Honorable Dr. Haider al-Abadi, Prime Minister Republik of Iraq
December 9th, 2014
Dear Prime Minister,
l am writing to you on behalf of the Belgian Medical Trade Unions Association (ABSyM).
We are member of the World Medical Association (WMA), the global federation of National
Medical Associations representing millions of physicians worldwide, aiming to promote
medical ethics, medical accountability and health-related human rights intemationally.
The ABSyM supports the President Xavier Deau's letter sent to you about the health
conditions in the Camp Liberty based in Iraq where the medical ethics principles and human
rights standards are violated.
Yours faithfully,
Doctor Roland LEMYE, President of the ABSyM/BVAS
Enclosed : the Xavier Deau' s letter
Association Belge des Syndicats Médicaux ASBL * Belgische Vereniging van Artsensyndicaten V.Z.W. n°/nr. 4111 00351
Chaussée de la Hulpe 150 Terhulpsesteenweg - Bruxelles 1170 Brussel - Tél./Tel. 021644.12.88 - Fax 02/644.15.27 - E-mail:
December 10th, 2014
Dear Dr. Lemye,
Good morning, warm greetings to you from Camp Liberty.
I received your email late last night and you had to be here to see the very warm welcome it received by both the medical staff and our patients at early moments.
I do appreciate your prompt response to our urgent call. You were quite out-spoken in reminding GoI that the medical accountability is a very strong instrument of humanity where it comes in defense of both our medical staff and the patients.
I commend the precious work done in line with our ethical standards.
I think in these moments of dark medical blockade, warm responses we receive to our urgent call are candlelight of hope that ensures Medicine is in the very heart of human rights. As Albert Schweitzer said: “The purpose of human life is to serve and to show compassion and the will to help others.”
Wish you luck for you and all of the members of Association Belge Des Syndicats Medicaux for the precious work they are doing in serving others.
Please allow me to be in touch with you for requesting further support in our endeavors to save life of the patients suffering from violations of their rights.
Kind Regards,
Hassan Jazayeri M.D.
Camp Liberty-BaghdadIQ
Mobile: 00964-7714418116
À propos de l'ABSYM
Nous défendons une médecine libre avec un modèle de rémunération à l'acte, complétée par des forfaits.
Par exemple, en médecine générale, nous défendons toutes les formes de pratique et pas seulement les pratiques de groupe multidisciplinaires comme nos concurrents.
Le médecin généraliste solo doit pouvoir garder sa place.
En ce qui concerne les spécialistes, nous défendons tous les spécialistes y compris ceux qui exercent en dehors de l'hôpital.